One of those mornings when I put two contacts into the same eye. You really have to pay attention. On Lexington Avenue I heard a woman say, “It’s such a rare thing to have a human heart and live on this strange planet.” This sounded so profound as I moved through the city, not because of her words but the genuine sense of awe in her voice.

‘Civil twilight’ is an elegant term for the moment just before the sun sinks beneath the horizon. It might be a fitting name for these strange years. In The Age of Voltaire, Will Durant describes the texture of the days before the French Revolution: “Rococo was the art of an Epicurean monied minority eager to enjoy every pleasure before the disappearance of its fragile world in an anticipated deluge of change.” Perhaps these are also rococo days.

M83 – Lower Your Eyelids To Die With The Sun

From Before the Dawn Heals Us | Mute, 2005 | More

Another night of vintage M83 tracks filled with drama and deluge. This is music for speeding across the great plains with tears in your eyes. Further reading: The Age of Voltaire by Will and Ariel Durant.