There is beauty in repetition, the steady accretion that comes with committing to one thing day after day.
A delightful sense of slippage occurs when you can’t decide if something is brilliant or awful.
Technology Might Have Peaked With Magnetic Tape
She hummed with the nervy energy of a talented yet unrecognized mind.
Saturday Night Terrain
The artist’s obsession becomes the listener’s obsession.
Summer of Muslimgauze
"Only in a rerun."
“They make advertisements for soap. Why not for peace?”
The Memory Police
Shock G
Devotional Image
The ancient Greeks believed God was a geometer, but I think Agnes Martin was closer to the mark.
"You're looking at the future: people translated as data."
This morning in the park, I sat across from a woman who was talking to the pigeons gathered around her feet.
His spirit runs through nearly everything we hear today.
The Electrifying Mojo Had the Most Reassuring Voice I Ever Heard
"But memories mix truth and lies."
Blade Runner is a story about god, a fever dream about grabbing your creator by the throat.
Glitches in the Sublime
This story has seeped into my dreams, grinding at my thoughts like sand in the teeth.