- Candy Chang
Number one inspiration station. - Fall of Civilizations
I fall asleep to an episode every night at 75% speed. Absolutely worth the $3 per month to support Paul's brilliant work and nix the advertisements. Start with Carthage, but be forewarned: it's a heartbreak. - Temple Ov Saturn
Joan Pope’s music is hypnotic, even compulsive, and often sounds like an incantation that threatens to summon something ominous, which might help us prepare for the days ahead. - Michael Donaldson
Meditations on the future of music. - Jack Chang.
Delightful notes about process, digital mending circles, and more. - Interconnected
Dazzling stream of consciousness from Matt Webb. - Velcro City Tourist Board
Notes from Paul Graham Raven on writing, reading, and thinking. - Peter Rukavina
Dispatches from Prince Edward Island about technology, design, and the work of being a person. - Paul Capewell
A wide-ranging blog about technology, weather, music, and more. - Mario Villalobos
A personal notebook from Montana. - Dr. Andrew Sempere
Feral reseatch. - Kelake
Clark MacLeod’s notes from Prince Edward Island.