Vegas Architecture Hides From the Sun Most Christian churches are located along an east-west axis, with the entrance to the west and the altar to the east.
A Dedicated Place Where I Can Tack Index Cards to the Wall The Pacific Time Zone is turning me into a morning person, and I do not like it.
Taro Puffs the Size of Your Fist We tooled around the city's perimeter, marveling at its sharp edges.
Fireworks in the Parking Lot of a Gas Station We made good time and hit Vegas a night earlier than scheduled.
A Fingernail Moon Rose Over the Rockies When I woke up this morning, I struggled to remember the state I was in.
The First Pizza Hut is in Wichita We woke to the melancholic stillness of a holiday morning somewhere in the middle of America. Even the International House of Pancakes was closed.
Movements Are a Relic of the 20th Century The billboards we passed felt like chapters from one big story: automatic weapon rentals, bulk ammo, Jesus Christ, and lawyers.
Synthetic Tracks for the Motorway The road trip kicks off tomorrow, and my packing has been delayed by a much more critical matter: putting together a road trip playlist.
Faded Graffiti Like a Vanished Wish It’s one of those days when it feels like the world’s got its hands in my pockets.
The Spirit of the Information Superhighway It’s like some mythical creature from the past has wandered into the middle of a twelve-land expressway.
People Behaving Poorly in Glossy Architecture We convinced ourselves our tweets were important, newsworthy, career-making, or, god forbid, agents for social change, and it made us crazy.