Orientation Here I am at last, living in the landscape I’ve craved since the first time I drove across the country.
The Effects Are Deeper Than the Struggle to Remain Upright Why does the wind leave us feeling so exhausted and harassed?
A Scribble, an Exploded Rocket, and an Oyster Omelet Woke up the other day and watched a billionaire’s rocket explode.
Goddammit, I Just Graded a Fucking Robot And it was about the goddamned work of art in the goddamned age of mechanical reproduction, of all things.
She Reminisced About the Cambrian Period She said we were looking at the Bonanza King Formation, which sounds like a doomed band from the 1970s.
What Happens Here Happens Everywhere I had time to kill at the Las Vegas airport, where it feels like being returned to a pleasant memory of 1987.
Technology Might Have Peaked With Magnetic Tape A delightful sense of slippage occurs when you can’t decide if something is brilliant or awful.
Suddenly We Found Ourselves Hiking If starvation was on the table, would you rather eat your own finger or a stranger's?