Two Million Miles to Earth Embrace speed. Groove on distraction. Let my thoughts get garbled and strange. Find god in the liquid crystal glow.
Track ID Exciting opportunity! Make money at home! I’m offering five dollars and a mountain of gratitude to anyone who can identify this song.
The Tannhäuser Gate Anything worthwhile rests on a knife’s edge, balanced by a paradox that I can only compare to the delicate act of falling asleep.
Slow-Motion Machines Slowing down my favorite songs has become a spiritual practice, and I’m here to preach the poetics of pitched-down electronics.
A Tale of Judgment and Grace This man was the antichrist. Yes, he was what the end of civilization looked and sounded like.
They Enter Our Minds Like Bats The ancient Greeks believed dreams enter our sleeping minds like bats to deliver messages from the gods.