
Clichés Are Learned the Hard Way

Acid Camp

"Only in a rerun."

More Americans are Unraveling Behind the Wheel
The sun went down at 8:49pm, the moon is in its last quarter, and tonight I'm wondering if the health of a society can be pegged to the nerves of its motorists.

Like trying to retrofit an 8-track player.

Tiny Figures Among the Stones
A floppy-eared dog gnawed a bone while a clown smiled above the bed.

I Put a Lot of Faith in Office Products to Solve My Existential Problems
My map is upside down, inscrutable, and probably for a different planet.

Before I Die
A soundtrack to accompany the exhibition of Candy Chang’s Before I Die project.

Can't Kill the World
The Night of the Hunter opens with the disembodied heads of five children floating in the cosmos and gets weirder from there.

A Fleeting Shape Glimpsed From the Corner of the Eye
My first memory of God: I was five or six years old and feverishly rubbing a white crayon into a dark blue piece of construction paper.