New York City. Sunset: 6:29pm. Cloudy with 76% humidity and a high of 70, a seasonless day that felt as if it could be anywhere on the calendar.

Today C. and I talked with a reporter from a local television station about our installation in the chapel at Green-Wood Cemetery. When I mentioned this project was rooted in the loss of my parents, the reporter asked if I’d like to discuss how they died. It’s an interesting sensation, glitching in the glare of a television camera. But they put together a nice little story with some thoughtful b-roll footage and person-on-the-street interviews, and I’m grateful for their interest in our work. I’m grateful for anyone who pays attention to anything these days.

Some people shine on television, as if they’re high-definition, whereas I’m a bit fuzzy, more VHS. As we listened to the reporter deftly introduce the segment, C. said, “It sounds like she has TV in her voice.”

The Normal – TV O.D.

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